Pros And Cons Of The United States Immigration System

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Between the States and the Federal Government there has always been at least one thing they agreed upon; our Immigration system. While immigration is among the most important issues the country faces, there are too many fallacies about some fundamental aspects on this crucial topic. Some believe that immigrants are tearing down our country. Others believe that they give us an economic boost. Our Immigration System isn’t perfect, it either hurts our Economy or strengthen it.

We have heard things like “Immigrants take our jobs” “They don’t pay taxes” or “They’re a drain on the economy”. For about a century or two we as americans have blamed immigrants for the cause of our economic struggles. There is more than enough …show more content…


For the United States as a whole, immigrants show an output of about 14.7 percent through 2009–2011. Instead looking at how many immigrants are in our country, look at the percentages, wages, salaries, and the Economic boost. Who are we to tell them they can’t try to make a better life in this country; the same country that stood for the very same thing not too many years ago. Even President Obama can see what not enough americans see themselves.
“We are a nation of immigrants, and that means that we’re constantly being replenished with strivers who believe in the American Dream. And it gives us a tremendous advantage over other nations. It makes us entrepreneurial. It continues the promise that here in America, you can make it if you try, regardless of where you come from, regardless of the circumstances of your birth.”
— President Obama, November 21, 2014
Stated by the President’s Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), the President has actions in place on how immigration would boost economic outcome of an estimated 0.4 to 0.9 percent over a ten year span. With increases in GDP(Gross domestic product) of $90 billion to $210 billion by the year 2024.