Pros And Cons Of Universaldecleration

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What are the pros and cons about the universaldeceration of Human Rights? The universal decleration of Human Rights was a document that allowed people their freedom as a human. This document was a building block for peace in the world. The document also allowed humanrights to be Universal instead of selective. The document also states that you will have anopportunity both civil and political rights, you have the ability to freedom of speech, you alsohave the ability to claim Social Security, and also get a proper health benefit as well as educationthat many others also receive. Now some people will go against and say that the universaldecelration was quote unquote an agreement between countries. I highly disagree because the purpose of making the document was …show more content…

The upsides when we're talking about the universaldecleration of Human Rights would have to be that secures the individual who arewithout law, allows an opportunity to fan out system or country where leaders are chosen by votes and how to help increase a good leader. This presents human rightsand firm and steady nature which allow the individual to be protected. The document also recommended when lots of countries communicate and talk with each other let's use the USA for example; if it wasn't for when lots of countries communicate and talk with each other human rights wouldn't exist in the United States of America. Weintroduce system or country where leaders are chosen by votes which allowed people theopportunity to make laws to protect the individual. The document with such a statement of Human Rights also prevented leaders of power the ability to use something the wrong way their Authority. Places such as Germany, Great Britain, Russia who have deniedthe rights of people in order to get

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