At an early age, the immune system of children are not fully developed, and infants can be susceptible to many illnesses that can become fatal without the proper care and prevention. The debacle on whether children should be vaccinated or not has become a major topic for dispute between doctors and parents. Children should be vaccinated because infants can become exposed to many infectious diseases. Without vaccinations, children are unprotected in the outside world. Numerous adults can disagree on vaccinating children because it does not create immunity fully, and people also completely disagree on child vaccinations in general. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, states that the best way to protect your child is to vaccinate them. Without vaccinations, there are 14 different diseases an adolescent could acquire that eventually, could become fatal (CDC n.p.). The CDC provides an easy vaccination schedule for parents, therefore allowing adults to remember when their child needs an immunization (CDC n.p.). The schedule shows that by the time your child is a year old, they should have received between 18-24 immunizations (CDC n.p.). Simple sicknesses for adults, the common cold …show more content…
Additionally, the world has many diseases that children are susceptible to therefore, children should be vaccinated. In a person’s life, one may become a parent, and with that being said, will have to decide whether or not to vaccinate their child. Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children based on myths and minor risks that could acquire throughout a child;s body but, the risk of a child not receiving is an even greater risk. Overall, the most affective choice would be to vaccinate your child and avoid all health risks a child could acquire if not receiving a