Arguments Against Virtual School

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Virtual Schooling is not for Everyone

A virtual school is defined as "an institution that is not 'brick and mortar' bound. All student services and courses are conducted through Internet technology. The virtual school differs from the traditional school through the physical medium that links administrators, teachers, and students (Archives 2003)." Personally, I am against virtual schooling for myself, despite being able to see its usefulness for certain students. From the experience of taking online tests, online courses do not work for me or most of the people I know who have taken the same, or similar, tests online. The teaching style that students like me require in order to truly thrive educationally is one that entails a teacher being present in the room, being able to have a personal bond established, and being able to have the demonstration occur in real life in front of the student to be able …show more content…

Whether it be the Wi-Fi connection not being fast enough to keep up with the virtual school, or not being able to have access to a computer in general. For example, certain students go to virtual school due to income issues, and having fast internet is a luxury that they are unable to afford. According to NCCP, in America, "43% (30,633,579) of children live in low-income families (Demographics 2017)." With this statistic in mind, there is a very good chance of one of those children from a low-income family being enrolled in an online course, meaning that these students cannot likely get the same virtual school experience as a student from a higher-income family. Case in point, an article called The Highs and Lows of Virtual School: One Teacher's View mentions that "the hardest thing is when a student doesn’t have access to a working computer at all times. We do have a loaner laptop program, but unfortunately [,] we