Pros And Cons Of Water Privatization

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Privatization Major companies only seem to care about making a profit and the best way to make money off of the highest market. What is the highest market these days? The water industry. Estimated at about eight hundred billion dollars year-round, it is no wonder these companies are doing everything they can to get involved. The problem is that these companies are taking water away from cities and towns that need it, they’re providing services that are worse than before they took over, and they are major tax evaders. This is a serious economic problem world-wide and needs more recognition than it is currently receiving. A company in Africa used to put meters on water consumption in order to keep tabs on what belonged to the people and what belonged to the company, but after the poorer people in the country turned to other sources to get water and resulted in cholera spreading, this practice was banned. Now companies take all the water, and there are no other government policies to keep these companies in check. So these companies decide to provide less reliable water and services in order to save both water and money. This is a problem because of the fact that they are degrading the water and putting other chemicals in the water in order to make a higher concentration of water to sell off and make a profit. This can sometimes …show more content…

They cover up details on what they put in their water, or how they manage it, and even cover up the amount of money they receive in order to keep as much of it as they can. They are unreliable and can’t be trusted, and when these companies switch hands, they can go from being a decent company to totally corrupt. These companies have been proven to be tax-evaders, and yet cities and states and even entire countries are still trusting them with their money and water resources. They put these corrupted companies in control only to do more damage to the economy and the

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