Pros And Cons Of Windrow Wilson

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Many students like I, dislike history because I view it with a negative P.O.V. Majority of textbooks alienate student of color by taking an approach that blames the victim instead of the perpetrator. Some textbooks hide from us roles that people of color played. For example ‘‘Admiral Peary would not have been able to discover to North Pole without to help from there Inuit guide (loewen, 1995, p.66 ) . On whom the entire expedition relied on. Text book authors do a poor job trying to keep the reader interested because they tend to write as a mumbling lecturer. When reading a history textbook the stories they tell are too predictable, the reader already knows the conflict is solved or currently trying to be solved. Errors in history are usually …show more content…

Windrow Wilson has always been written from a white perspective.” His administration used the excuse of anticommunism to surveil and undermine black newspapers, organization and union leader (Loewen, 1995, p.20). Windrow Wilson was a white supremacist he used his term in office to belittle African American even more. ‘’He segregated the Navy, which has not previously been segregated, relocated African American to kitchen and boiler work (Loewen, 1995, p.20) Windrow Wilson was the only president know of who’s ever celebrated the Ku Klux Klan in the White House. “ In his infamous masterpiece The Clansmen, a paean to the Ku Klux Klan for its role in putting down “black-dominated” Republican state governments during Reconstruction (Loewen,1995,p.20) . Windrow Wilson is painted in a positive picture for the reason that he guided us through World War One and led us to victory. Wilson like many other so called heroes have been white washed. This is a threat to historical accuracy considering that it can change Americas Perception of …show more content…

John Brown Struggles for equality is always downplayed or sometimes not even portrayed. American History Textbooks described John Brown as being insane, but he was really sane.” “Governor Wise of Virginia called him “a man of clear head’’ after Brown got the better of him in an informal interview” (Loewen, 1995, p.176). Textbooks authors inferred Brown was insane by reason of his plans seemed bizarre. During his time period not many White men believed in equality of blacks, So Brown actions made no sense to writers between 1890 and about 1970. Not Many people knew that Mr. Brown was a man god. Some textbooks claims that “John believed that God had called on him to fight slavery” (Loewen, 1995 , p.180). But in reality “He thought deeply about the moral meaning of Christianity and decided that slavery was incompatible with it ‘’ (Loewen, 1995, p.181) . The Gettysburg Address is one of the most important speeches ever given in America. Five books do not even mention the speech, while five others provide only the last sentence or phrase of it” (Loewen, 1995, p.186) . The words are important by reason of students should ponder the meaning behind his words. Lincoln is known to be a president that stood up for African Americans. Most textbooks don’t include his second Inaugural speech and they use a fragment of it of his letter to Horace Greeley. This fragment of the letter presents