Pros Of Chewing Gum Essay

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Chewed Gum Belongs in the Trash I strongly believe you should always dispose your gum in a trash can after you’re done chewing it. A vast majority of people leave their gum wherever they chose to and don’t take into consideration the effects. There is always that punishment in a movie where a kid has to scrape the gum off of desks since students stick their gum underneath them. Also have you ever seen black spots along the sidewalk and ever wonder what they are? Well, here’s your answer: Gum. That’s right, gum. People leave their gum everywhere and don’t dispose of it properly so I believe gum should always be thrown in a trash can. Reason #1: If you walk down the street you’re bound to find a wad of discolored, chewed gum stuck to a park bench, a railing, a wall, or even a sidewalk. Chewed gum full of a complete stranger’s saliva can be stuck to the park bench you almost sat on, the railing you almost put your hand on, the wall you almost leaned on, or the sidewalk section you almost stepped on. The only way gum should be disposed is by placing it in a trash can away from other people. You can wrap the gum in a …show more content…

Then all of sudden you pull your hand back fast and think to yourself, “did I honestly just touch someone’s gum?” Or have you ever been walking down the street and unknowingly step in gum and you basically have to limp since every step you take, you need to yank your foot off the cement due to the sticky gum on the bottom of your shoe? Touching or stepping in gum can ruin someone’s day. For the rest of the day, you’re forced to deal with knowing you have touched a random stranger’s saliva or you’re forced to deal with the gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, all due to someone not bothering to throw their gum in the trash. When someone doesn’t dispose their gum properly, they leave it behind for someone else to deal

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