
Prostitution And Human Trafficking

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For Prostitutions Sake Many years ago, while I was in high school my theology professor mentioned while discussing the bible told the class that prostitution was the oldest career in the history of mankind. I was young at the time so that information didn’t mean anything to me but I figured one day it may have value. So, I tucked that tidbit of information away in my memory bank, waiting for the right time to mention this known fact in general conversation. That time never came but being a little wiser now I have a better understanding about the topic and how it relates to society. There have been many conversations about women exercising their right to provide a service that does not in theory cause harm to society or break any moral codes. …show more content…

So how would making prostitution legal impact the immoral behavior exemplified with human trafficking? Allowing prostitution to become legal globally would have significant effects on the population and our view of the act. Those countries with strong economical landscapes would surely benefit from this recommendation. The obligation to the law would help combat some traffickers because there would no longer be women arrested and imprisoned for sex acts, therefore the need to continue to bring additional women inside that realm would be greatly reduced. This is not to say that the movement would stop trafficking but in theory it would slow it down to a point. The legal system doesn’t prosecute prostitution as extreme as some would like, at least that is the case for the women. Men on the other hand get their identities plastered on media outlets, newspapers and even a unique website specially for the crime of …show more content…

There is a moral obligation to at least have the discussion rather than to come up with the answer. The two points to bring into the conversation would be that, with the exception of sex trafficking there hasn’t been a down side to consensual sex for monetary gain. The opposing argument would entail how are we expected to become a morally conscious society when we even consider removing laws that were formed to keep decency at the forefront. After evaluating the multiple arguments for and against legalized prostitution the one thing that is clear, is that discussions like this show where we have opportunities to grow as a moral

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