Prostitution In Mr. Milroy's The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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Once upon a time in a far away Rebel Land, a young sophomore girl, myself, embarked on this wonderful journey to learn about the wonders of world literature. I was accompanied by a not so willing class of fellow sophomores and a teacher, Mr. Milroy, who probably hated this class more than I hate coffee. Thus, I will share with all of you the important things we learned in this class.
At approximately 7:45 in the morning on one sun splashed August day after prayer, a pointless Milroy story, and an unnecessary daily anecdote from Andrew about Mr. Milroy, we were taught about the joys of “broship” proclaimed in the ancient Mesopotamian story The Epic of Gilgamesh. Mr. Milroy explained that a central theme to this story is the act of being “bros”, and how “bros” have to help each other. This was also one of the first of many times we discussed prostitution in this class, but we will get to that later. Mr. Milroy shared with us how Enkidu and Gilgamesh formed a bond which ultimately led to Gilgamesh appreciating his mortality.
Later on in the year in the incredibly difficult unit of …show more content…

If I had learned one thing throughout this year, it is that prostitution is one of the most unifying pastimes of the world. From ancient Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh, to Indian Siddhartha, to European Candide, prostitution or human trafficking was and is a worldwide phenomenon. Despite not reading any literature from the Americas, you can always go to Las Vegas to confirm that their still is prostitution. Mr. Milroy explained they used prostitutes to tame Enkidu, while in Siddhartha a high class prostitute ultimately aids a man searching to reach enlightenment. Lastly there is Candide, a story about the train wreck of a life of a young male named Candide. Included in this book is the very elaborate details of the human trafficking of multiple women, one of which who ends up being split property of two