Protein Bar Case Study

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Online Marketing: Website redesign leads to 476% increase in page views and 64% lower bounce rate

SUMMARY: An effective online presence is important for all B2C marketers, even for businesses built entirely around customers visiting a physical location. A solid website can strengthen the brand while a poorly executed website could actually turn off potential customers.

Find out why -- and how -- a restaurant chain completely revamped its website to improve usability and customer interaction and accomplished the entire redesign in just eight weeks.


Even if your business is almost completely built around customer visits to a physical location, your online presence should still be a major part of marketing efforts. This presence …show more content…

Matros stated, "That helps us gain the trust of our customers so everything that we really do is about our transparency and building our [level of] trust."

Matros described Protein Bar's marketing efforts as focused on providing a good experience for its customers, both in the restaurant and online, so, "they can stay happy and [become] returning customers."

Around the time the decision was made to revamp the website, Matros hired a marketing manager to manage all the content and social media. Content is supplied to one or more of the social media outlets several times a day, and Matros himself provides around three blog posts each week.

Step #3. Understand your market

A major reason for the total redesign of Protein Bar's website was the realization that people go to restaurant websites for three primary …show more content…

Because the company was involved in immediate expansion plans it was important for the new site to accommodate menu and location information for multiple restaurants, a feature that wasn't feasible with the old Flash-based website.

The architecture of the new site allows non-technical site administrators to easily make changes to

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