
Protein Synthesis Informative Speech

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“What is protein synthesis in the first place?” you may ask yourself? Many people struggle with this subject because of the fact that the steps to find out are pretty complex. It’s really not that difficult to understand and comprehend. Protein synthesis is very important, and I'm going to tell you why. Protein synthesis is the process of producing and forming proteins with the use of DNA and RNA, it builds necessary proteins, and it controls the assembly of amino acids into protein. Many people like high schoolers often question what protein synthesis is which is what I am going to be explaining. Let’s break down what protein synthesis is in the first place. RNA is like a working copy of a segment of DNA that carries out the instructions …show more content…

What are the steps to protein synthesis? How do we get to that point? Let’s start off with RNA, there are three types of RNA, which are pretty easy to be educated about. They're pretty easy because what the RNA does is the letter in front of RNA. The first one being messenger RNA commonly referred as to mRNA to make it short, as you can see the m in messenger is put in front of RNA. The second is Ribosomal RNA, also known as rRNA, the R in ribosomal is in front of RNA, I'm pretty sure.you can see the pattern now. Last but not least transfer RNA, being tRNA the T from transfer is in tRNA now, like the previous types of …show more content…

The DNA is copied into a form of RNA called mRNA as I mentioned about earlier. Which is later translated to chains made up of amino acids. Protein synthesis allows for more protein to be created by substituting the protein that has been lost. How did these proteins become lost in the first place? They became lost through degradation and export. Degradation is how the protein is being worn down which makes lower condition so the protein cannot function properly or correctly causing it to be flawed. Export is when the substances are being transferred from inside the cell membrane and out the cell. Amino acids are folded into different shapes like zigzags to form proteins and usually the work with other amino acids. Depending on the number of amino acids determine the protein’s possessions. Hair and muscle have 20 amino acids, but the way the sequence is formed is quite different from each other. Let’s say mRNA could be put into words, like in a language we could understand easily, like English. The message could be read by the length of the molecule. Codons are three lettered words that stand for a

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