Protein Synthesis Within all living organisms, the main macromolecule that is fundamenal for sustaining life, is proteins. As proteins provide many of the structural components of living organisms, and participate primarily in every biochemical reaction and process within cell, in the form of enzymes, they aid and catalyse these biochemical reactions. Therefore their manufacture, in the correct numbers and order, is mantdatory to the functioning off all living organisms. It is important to have an understanding of what RNA (ribonucleic acid) actually is. RNAs structure is quite similar to that of DNA. DNAs structure consists of a sugar phosphate backbone and a pentose sugar called deoxyribose. The sugar phosphate backbone protects the …show more content…
With Adenine and thymine, and guanine and cytonsine. This is known as a complemetary fit. However RNA can be distinguished by its its lack of Thymine, and the presence of Uracil. It can also be distinguhed by the pentose sugar ribose, as opposed to deoxyribose. Despite the nucleic acids structural similarities, RNAs physiology is completely different that that of DNAs. RNA in the the forms of messenger (mRNA), ribsomal (rRNA) and transfer (tRNA) RNA, together can preform Protein Synthesis. Protein synthesis is the term used to describe the formation of proteins, from their constituents, amino acids. The process of Protein synthesis can be divided into two parts: Transcription and …show more content…
So, the mRNA may present the second codon UUA, in which the tRNA molecule complementary to that particluar genetic code, will travel to the mRNA with the correct amino acid, and anti codon and bind. After two anticodons and codons have binded sussecfully, two amino acids are side by side. Here a peptide bind will form between them, this is known as a dipeptide. The process will keep continuing, and the ribsome will move along the mRNA to the next codon. The first tRNA molcule can leave, as it has completed its desired task, whereby it can now go and bring another amino acid, of the same type to the ribsome. More and more amino acids to the dipeptite chain, this will eventually from a polypeptide chain. The Elongation process wll continue until all of the codons on mRNA are read. The process will come to a halt, when a stop codon is read this is known as terminaton. These are usually the codes: UAA, UAG, and UGA. There are no anticodons that can recognise these codons, they dont have a complementray anticodon, so essentually the ribsome will recognise that the translation process has