Protestant Reformation Dbq

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In the Protestant Reformation many reformists used different tactics, that evolved the Protestant reformation stand point in society. Martin Luther was one of the many who pioneered the movement and, thus allowing for they’re to be a voice for Protestants. While on the other hand reformist Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt followed similar paths as Luther, but he was not as successful. Thesis Statement: The different methods that Luther, Muntzer, and Karlstadt used to approach the Protestant Reformation will be a leading factor, of how well they progress individually on their paths to creating a new interpretation of what the Catholic Church once taught them. In 1040 the printing press was invented, thus allowing reformist to educate people, and question their teachings from the Catholic Church. Martin Luther reflected on his beliefs and questioned the vow he took …show more content…

Through his writings he evolved from a late medieval thinking, to a new model of understanding God, and being human. Towards the end of the Diet of Worms, Luther translated the Bible in eleven weeks while hiding in a castle in Wartburg by Frederick the Wise. Luther translating the Bible into various languages, was a practical way of allowing many who spoke various other languages to have an opportunity to read the Bible. Martins translation was being discuss in debate halls, lecture rooms, and even pulpits, causing quite a stir in Germany. This was one of the first mass mediums of the sixteenth century in Germany that spread pass its lands, it altered people's lives, many embrace it divulging in all its knowledge. Luther altered the culture of Germany, it is said "It helped formally restructure German literature and the German performing arts - Luther's in general, were so awesome that Frederick the Great later called Luther the personification of the German national