Comparison The two brands selected are the Microsoft Xbox One’s advertisement campaign versus the Sony PlayStation 4 advertisement campaign. Both Microsoft and Sony have produced expensive advertisements spots to promote their various systems. Microsoft is pushing a "get involved" message, with a big emphasis on the console as a full entertainment device including games, movies and sport. Thus establishing the idea that the Xbox One has the potential for a more engaging experience than its rival the Sony PlayStation 4. Sony's strategy is all about gaming, and its advertisement campaign reminds gamers that it is definitely more fun with friends. Microsoft’s advertisement contained big set pieces, slow motion car crashes, and Zachary Quinto …show more content…
It then introduces the consumer to the two main characters in the commercial and depicts them as teens playing popular games from that era on the console. The camera then pans around the room and the outside world is seen fast-forwarding to the new era of the PlayStation 2. The ad then shows us the same two characters but a little bit older playing popular games from that era on the PlayStation 2. The camera pans for a third time showing us more evolution in the outside world and it then shows us the two main characters again slightly older playing popular games on the PlayStation 3. The camera pans for a fourth and final time showing us more evolution in the outside world and then shows us the two main characters as adults in todays time playing on the new PlayStation 4. The commercial ends with a glimpse of gameplay and then states that the message “This is for the players.” Psychologically, this commercial affects the audience by instilling a feeling of nostalgia by going through the various years of consoles, thus gaining the audiences attention effectively and establishing a trust factor with the audience. The audience feels that they have grown up with Sony and that it should be a part of their current life too. Culturally, the commercial affects audiences by having characters that are very relatable in terms of how they progressed through life and by having a story that many gamers can relate too because all three of Sony’s consoles were popular. This automatically causes motivation for people who had the previous consoles to upgrade and buy the new one. Nowadays gaming is very prominent so the commercial depicts many gamers lifestyle in the past making the new console very easily adoptable now since it was done earlier. Sociologically, the commercial establishes that gamers have had such an amazing time with Sony throughout its console generations that with this new