THEORY OF PERSONALITY Psychoanalytic theory is an approach that initially appeared in three major psychological approach. Two other approach is the approach behavior and a humanitarian approach (humanistic). At the point of view of philosophy, this approach has put forward the concept of joy. Freud claimed that someone normal people is that they can enjoy life with love and work.The concept of joy expressed by Freud can be elaborated again ,where there are other aspects to obtain nudity, eliminate negative feelings, gave birth to positive feelings, gets identity of self and society, seeking an understanding of the feelings in the family and work satisfaction. From the point of view of the others, psychoanalytic has put an emphasis …show more content…
This approach has been customized by some theorists Psychoanalytic terms of concept and procedures and they have formed the theory that each approach more commonly known as neo-Freudians.Among psychologists who have followed the opinion of the theory to customize each one is Alfred Adler who formed the theory of Individual Psychology and Carl Jung who formed the theory analysis.Freud exaggerate the sexual impulses and stimulation has caused many controversies, one impression is a follower and disciple of Freud children have formed their own theories. Most of them receive natural motifs interests are not conscious, but they are putting more emphasis to relations with the public versus ego with ego only satisfactory relationship id's will. In general psychoanalytic approach that sees humans as individuals who have determined his future. The approach has laid the man was born together with animalistic instincts that is evil. His life has been determined from the beginning again by those instincts. This instinct will affect the behavior that is not logical and irrational. It describes the state of human naturally be explained in mind including the terms of the conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious.This approach indicate where all adult human personality is formed from since birth up to the age of …show more content…
This instinct has been allotted to the two that is, a portion of the sexual instinct or Eros (life instinct) and the instinct of destruction or Thanatos (death instinct). All the power of instinct has been kept in power is not increased. This power will form in a form recognizable as psychic power and energy psychic determinism. Power is also the driving power to all human behavior and have a relationship with the sexual instinct and libido. Power psychic determinism is the power of causes that physical and mental behavior of man. Psychoanalytic theory to explain this, Sigmund Freud divided the three levels of consciousness in the soul. Three stages are environmentally conscious, pre-conscious and environmentally aware unconscious. Each level of consciousness that have descriptions that differ from each other. To explain the stages of awareness, Sigmund Freud was making an analogy with the equation of a piece of iceberg great. As we know iceberg this will normally float on the water surface. He explained that the position and phase of human thought is the same as the structure of the