Psychology Admissions Essay

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I’ve never been one for giving myself titles or labels. The concept of being known by a certain label has always felt restrictive. To be known by a label only aids in the impression that the entirety of one’s personality and identity consists of only that particular aspect of oneself. It is all the aspects of one’s personality; one's interests, background, identity, and talents, working in conjunction that makes the self what it is. The most significant of my interests is my interest in Psychology, a subject which has fascinated me, and has impacted my life, from a young age. My very first interaction with psychology was not exactly an enjoyable experience. I was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety when I was in kindergarten. For my young self, this marked a time of medication, of therapy, and of having to expend effort working with a therapist on the issues that these conditions cause. To my young mind, my therapist seemed to be some highly annoying adult who was telling me what to do, and I very much disliked what he was telling me. Additionally, I considered my ADHD medication to be gross pills that made me uncomfortable. Though ultimately beneficial for my health, I did not like any of these experiences. …show more content…

I spent a long period of time associating the subject with negative experiences. Later on, towards the end of middle school, I had the realization that psychology could be incredibly interesting and could be applied to almost any experience. I’m not sure exactly what the trigger for this was for this realization. It could have been that I re-started therapy and it became a positive experience, or that some of my friends had gotten me intrigued, or possibly that I started watching Criminal Minds (an intriguing television show about criminal profilers). No matter the trigger, the result was that studying psychology became a major part of my life and my

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