Psychology Career Goal

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In five years I plan to be into my second year of a Psychology PhD program. In ten years, after completing my PhD, I would like to move on to be a college professor. Being a college professor is one of my goals because I have a passion for teaching. I think that educators can have an impact in the lives of their students. Being a professor will not only allow me to pass on knowledge, but it will also give me time to pursue my research interests as well. I am aware that getting into a competitive PhD program after completing my bachelor’s degree will be difficult, but it is extremely important to me to accomplish it, since it is a career advancement that will get me closer to my occupational goals. BUILD PODER will play a crucial role in helping …show more content…

I realized how important psychological research is and what kind of impact it has and continues to have in our lives. I also find it fascinating how much there is still to be discovered about human and animal behavior, which is, in my opinion, what makes this field so appealing. I find all psychology research fields captivating, but I am especially interested in biological psychology and social and personality psychology. Biological psychology is engaging because it covers a vast number of areas of study including neurobiology, psychoneuroimmunology, evolutionary neurobiology amongst many others. I enjoy learning about social and personality behavior research because it can, in many cases give us a deeper understanding of societal issues. I enjoy reading psychology research papers in scientific journals such as the Journal of Psychology and Theology, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, and others. Journals like these publish recent and relevant research that spark my curiosity for psychology. When I was in high school, I wasn’t sure where to find the full version of these journals, since a simple google search often offers just parts of it, but when I started college, I was able to use resources such as the Oviatt Library online database to access research articles. Reading these research papers, their abstracts, methodologies, their conclusions, makes me realize how their finding can impact society, inspires me to pursue a career in biomedical

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