Psychology Course Reflection

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This psychology course has taught me many things about the mind, life and myself. The chosen topics for this assignment are, Habituation, Mnemonics/Study Techniques, and Introspection. Habituation is the decreased or stopped response to stimuli after frequently being exposed to it. Mnemonics is a method or methods used to study that helps them remember something. Finally, the third definition was for introspection, and I said that it was like soul searching. Habituation is the Decrease or stopped response to something after being frequently exposed to it. For example, here at Bowie State University, my major is biology. One of the courses that I had to take is Genetics. This class pertains to our genetic makeup in our bodies. There were many …show more content…

The chosen topics for this assignment was, Habituation, Mnemonics/Study Techniques, and Introspection. Habituation is the decreased or stopped response to stimuli after frequently being exposed to it. The examples I gave was how I took one class four times and finally passing it and another class, passing it on the second time. Mnemonics is a method or methods used to study that helps them remember something. I gave two examples that exemplifies my definition, were I had to remember the phrase, never eat slimy worms. The second example for the second definition wasn’t a mnemonic but it was host of study techniques that I used to pass the exam and the course. Finally, the third definition was for introspection, and I said that it was like soul searching. I gave two examples, one of why I had to do some soul searching and another as to why I am continuing to do it. I also mentioned how I am going to keep doing it so that I can be better in all aspects. I want to position myself so that I can receive the blessings that have my name on it. All in all, it is my hope that I did well with this writing assignment because I need to pass this course. Like I said earlier, this class has taught me a lot about the mind, society, myself and humans in general. I also hope that I can take all that I have learned and pay it forward to someone

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