Psychotherapy In Counselling

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3. Psychotherapy
3.1Definition of Psychotherapy
“Psychotherapy is a process within which patients have the opportunity and even the responsibility to express thoughts and feelings that are not easily articulated elsewhere.” (Farber, Barry A.; Hall, Desnee, 2002)
According to Jung, Psychotherapy”Is a process through which patients are enabled to discover their own psyche so that it may be brought to full individuation in moving towards the attainment of self through counteracting one-sided development.” (Meyer, Moore, Viljoen, 2003)
According to (Claringbull, 2010) most Psychotherapists would describe psychotherapy as “being an emotional development process that is somehow centred on the clients’ personal explorations of their own inner selves.” …show more content…

They are responsible for the activation and successfully bundling both basic and model-specific factors at the completion of effective treatment (Simon, 2011). The Therapist should avoid any form of disruption, because it will threaten the therapeutic process as well as alliance (Simon, 2011). Therapist should also create a safe environment where the patient can freely express emotions and thoughts. 4. The similarities and differences between counselling and psychotherapy
There are obvious differences between the two and they have different purposes in different settings for different situations, but they do have similarities as well and in the following discourse both similarities and differences will be named and discussed with regard to counselling and psychotherapy.
Psychotherapy and counselling both includes having a conversation between the client(s) and the counsellor/therapist and both counsellor/psychotherapist has the focus of “helping people make changes within themselves and in their lives.” (Sutherland,