Public Colleges And Universities Should Be Free Essay

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The late Nelson Mandela once said “education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Considering Mandela’s words remain true and the steady increase in the price of higher education, free tuition at public colleges and universities has become a controversial topic of discussion. While those in opposition of free college tuition do have several compelling arguments, some of the most important things to consider and further investigate are; the fact that several countries have already progressed toward free higher education, several more have plans enacted to do so, and most significantly, it is important to examine how these countries have transformed with this change. All factors considered, it would be beneficial …show more content…

The Factors of production are land, labor and human capital, physical capital, and technology (Flipit). The component that is most relevant in the argument of whether or not tuition at public colleges and universities should be free is labor and human capital. Labor is described as the people required to accomplish the work while human capital can be defined as the quality of labor. The relationship between these interacting factors makes the argument, that the training of workers is critical to economic growth and the better trained the work force, the more growth that the economy experiences”(Flipit). The point being made here is that the training of the work force is just as important as the work force its self, and with this in mind, education becomes an important factor in the progression of society on several levels especially the economic level. Higher education is pivotal for complete competence of most jobs especially in those immerging with the technological advancements of the 21st century. While the importance of education rapidly increases, the price does so as well, making an education next to impossible to obtain for the lower and middle classes. More people will be able to get degrees if they did not come at a price out of reach for the majority of the

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