Public Health Emergency Core Competencies Report

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For state, local, and tribal public health agencies, assuring their workforces are prepared to respond to emergencies is a continuing challenge. The public health workforce needs to maintain, improve, and adapt its preparedness skills and knowledge in light of recurring and new types of emergencies, and to meet the increasing expectations for preparedness capabilities. Evidence suggests that emergency preparedness activities of the past decade have resulted in stronger systems and better workforce skills for public health emergency preparedness and response; yet, national and regional assessments demonstrate that gaps and weaknesses remain. Because state, local and tribal public health agencies face competing demands and a shrinking workforce, their ability to achieve and sustain a strong national public health …show more content…

Leveraging adult learning principles results in increased learner engagement and the likelihood of applicable knowledge gains. In addition, adult learning theory supports the creation of a learning environment in which educational objectives align with the development of specific competencies. The Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response (PHEP&R) Core Competencies model includes 15 capabilities with six additional critical skills areas and provides a national standard of behaviorally-based, observable skills for the workforce to prepare for and respond to all-hazards scenarios. This model identifies and describes individual public health emergency core competencies that target mid-level workers with 10 years’ experience and a high school diploma, bachelor’s, or higher degree; or those with five years’ experience with master’s equivalent or higher degree, regardless of employment setting. Alignment of competencies with training development is intended to assure public health preparedness and workforce response

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