Public Health Vs Religion Essay

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Out of the entire global burden of disease, there is 14 % attributed to neuropsychiatric disorders and this is majorly caused due to disabling nature of depression or some other mental disorder, alcoholism, substance use disorder and psychoses. This show how crucial mental disorders as an issue are for public health.[1]
As the psychological disorders are quite complicated in nature, it requires systematic mental health professional’s support and services to ensure a positive treatment result. It is noticed that often the psychological disorder services are either not available or under-utilized mostly in developing countries like India. If compared the ratio of people who need mental health care against those who do not receive it, there is a huge gap between developed and developing countries. In developed countries, the treatment gap (the %age of individuals who need mental health care but do not receive treatment ranges from 44% to 70%; in developing countries, the treatment gap can be as high as 90%. The main reason behind lack of mental health care …show more content…

The meaning of spirituality extends beyond religion. Spirituality is personal and everyone has there own spiritual path.Sprituality is more general in nature while religion is specific to a particular god,culture or faith.In spirituality one can go by ones own codes but in religion one may have to follow certain guidance from the religion like fasting on certain days.
However operationally this differences often appear to be indistinct ,measures of religions are used as a proxy to spirituality. Researchers need to confront these distinctions and thouroughly analyse the differences.Methodoligical shortcoming in the research should be adressed and should reflect the diversity of the different spiritual expressions so that maximum benefits is available to as many as

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