Puck Or Robin Goodfellow

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One of the most popular characters in English folklore for the last thousand years has been the fairy, goblin, devil or imp known by the name of Puck or Robin Goodfellow. The Welsh called him Pwca, which is pronounced the same as his Irish incarnation Phouka, Pooka or Puca. The Welsh incarnation of Puck was sometimes pictured as a frightening creature with the head of an ass. Truly a devil to behold with queer characteristics that made skin crawl. As a shape-shifter, Puck has had many appearances over the years. He's been seen in the form of animals. He's been a rough, hairy creature in many versions. One Irish story presents him as an old man. He's been pictured like a brownie or a hobbit. In a 1785 painting by William Blake, he looks like