Pudget Sound Wildcare Internship Statement

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Alyshya Cubean – 011377466 NATRS 479 Summer 2017 Statement of Intent This summer I will be completing an internship with Pudget Sound Wildcare a wildlife rehabilitation center located in Kent Washington. This position will last three months from May 11th to August 15th. The duties of this job begin with extensive husbandry tasks which include but are not limited to receiving animals of all age classes, performing intake exams, completing bottle or hand feeding and stimulate neonatal mammals for defecation when very young, as well as prepare and offer food items, and give medications as needed for a variety of patients. Once all beginning husbandry tasks are completed it is then my responsibility to track the progress of the patients by getting …show more content…

If the proper cleaning or handling protocol is not used then that can lead to diseases being spread or worse. This internship teaches its students how to properly communicate with the public that finds the animals as well as the state and federal agencies that work with us to take care for these animals. This internship connects back to my major through my animal systematic classes which have taught me anatomy and behavior of some of the wildlife species I will work with. Also, understanding the ecology and habitat that each species requires as well as the nutrition that each of these species need to survive is a main aspect of this internship. Another aspect of this internship that connects to my major is learning to properly communicate with the public because of how controversial this field is. Wildlife rehabilitation and conservation of species is a growing field but because it is so new it can be very difficult to work with the government and the public to protect these species this position shows the importance of rehabilitators and the need for more education on the

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