Puerto Rico Should Be A State Essay

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Currently Puerto Rico’s situation is complicated due to the questioning if Puerto Rico would be best as a state or a country. The reason why Puerto Ric isn’t really considered as a state nor country is because the U.S won vs Puerto Rico in War and keep their history, culture became U.S territory . Since Puerto Rico was a Spanish colony and Spain lost its war Puerto Rico was forced to be passed down to the U.S. Statehood s controversial because some people would prefer to have a full citizenship while others would rather be independent and keep their history and culture. Others say Puerto Rico should become a state in or der to have full citizenship however Puerto Rico should become a country because they have their own culture and identity.
Some people believe that Puerto Rico should become a state. This argument is wrong because Puerto Ricans …show more content…

Puerto Rico
Has its own unique culture that the U.S does not have. “We have ever relinquished our language, our culture or our identity” (Smith Pg23) This demonstrates that Puerto Rico has never given up their culture and doesn’t plan on doing so or risking it. Even so if Puerto Rico does become a state their culture could be taken away or disappear throughout time. Puerto Rico could lose their official language Spanish. Puerto Rico’s first language is Spanish not English if they become a state their first language would forcefully have to be English. “Could we keep Spanish as the official language in the courts, the legislative assembly, on public schools if Puerto Rico became a state? Very unlikely.”(Smith pg23) If Puerto Rico becomes a state, they won’t be able to be Spanish speaking nation anymore and everything would have to be in English now. This could really affect Puerto Ricans since most of them are Spanish speakers and could take a while to learn a language e that they aren’t used to and are forced to learn in order to