In “The Big Burn” by Timothy Egan, the story centers around the wildfire of 1910 and the people who were involved. Many people made sacrifices for the big fire. However, the sacrifice of Pulaski was the biggest and most frightening. Pulaski became a ranger at age forty and had several previous jobs as a firefighter, miner, and inventor. Pulaski was a great assistant since he helped each and every person at his own expense. In fact, throughout the fire, Ed Pulaski became a champion for saving the majority of his men. Pulaski was a true hero, and saved most of his men before, during, and after the fire.
Before the fire, Pulaski was in Wallace having dinner with his beloved wife Emma and his darling daughter Elise. He told them that he was going
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Pulaski injuries were terrifying due to the burns and blindness. As a result, he needed surgery to one of his eyes, so he could see again. However, Pulaski had used his individual savings to treat other firefighter. Moreover, Pulaski was fighting for the rangers right where he wanted them all to get treated at the hospital instead of being discharged. As the government didn’t cover their medical bills. He also fought for graves for martyrs who died in the fire. After a while, Pulaski had invented the ax-tool that combines both an axe and an adze that was easy to handle. As proof, people have used the ax-tool for many years and it also bears his name “the Pulaski tool.”
In conclusion, Ed Pulaski was a brave man and he had made numerous decision that made him a true hero. During the fire, Pulaski rescued most of his men from the fire that was killing everyone. Pulaski had the chance to escape the fire by staying at Wallace; nevertheless, Pulaski made his decision to go back up to the mountain to fight the fire with his crew. Despite, everyone else was running away from the fire. Ed Pulaski was a man not like any other. He was a father to all the rangers even to the ones in his own age. If every person acted like Pulaski the entire world would be safe and happy