Pure Food And Drug Act Of 1906 Essay

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The year 1906 was a historical turning point for the processed food industry since it was the beginning of a line of new acts and laws that would benefit the health of food consumers. This was the year that the U.S government passed the, “Pure Food and Drug Act”, which stated that food producers could no longer dilute or “adulterate” their products to increase revenue. Before this law was passed, one can only imagine what people were buying and consuming. There were absolutely no guidelines as to what manufacturers could or couldn’t put in their products. Milk would be intentionally diluted with water, grounded meat products would be found with rodents, insects, and the occasional human limb inside. The products were just unsafe and to think …show more content…

On this date, the “Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906” was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. After years and years of the Muckrakers (a group of American journalists who wrote as an attempt to bring justice to corrupt leaders and their actions) reporting on the ridiculously unsanitary conditions of the country’s manufacturing plants, it became publicly known what these food companies were doing more and more people began to speak about it. Eventually, Congress passed a law that would prevent “the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs or medicines, and liquors.” Later, after being sent to the House, it was reported by the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee on March 7th. It sat unconsidered for 3 months, causing some to wonder if it was being delayed or not, and why. On June 21st, after a speech was given about fruit that had been colored with poisonous red dye, and liquor that had been distilled with chemical fillers. The New York Times called the debate over the Pure Food bill “one of the wildest times that has been seen this session.” After the measure passed, the House and Senate met in conference, shook hands, and sent the bill back one last time for final

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