Purpose And Features Of A Secondary Review Article

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In this reflective essay I will discuss the purpose and features of a secondary review article and a primary research article of my choice. A secondary review article serves its purpose by collating and delivering a wide range of knowledge from primary articles. The review article selected for this assessment is titled “CRISPR-Cas9: A Revolutionary Tool for Cancer Modelling”. This article explores the use of the RNA-programmable CRISPR-Cas9 system in order to model the pathogenesis of cancer. The audiences of this review article are researchers in the discipline because there is continuous and frequent use of jargon. However, the article further explains the jargon terms, hence, the general public with an interest in the discipline can be considered as the audience as well. Nonetheless, the audience for the article is not explicitly stated and the two groups of audiences above are only my reflection based on the content of the journal. …show more content…

However, I also believe this falls under the branch of oncology, as the article makes continuous references to various cancers. It further explores the possibility of providing a new way to interrogate the development and progression of cancers. I believe the discipline of genomics aids the study of genetics and oncology. At first I was hesitant of this belief and how far the boundaries of genomics stretched. However upon additional research I discovered that research in genomics is in fact closely related to cell biology, and that it also encompasses identifying diseases/cancers. Genomics is the branch of molecular biology concerned with the structure, function, evolution, and mapping of

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