Purpose Of A Liberal Arts Education

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After reading the essay from College on computer science I got to thinking about the opposite: liberal arts education. As a liberal arts major, I wanted to present a counter argument to the dispute over curriculum. This paper isn’t against only Bhageria, but the broad argument that colleges should move towards more vocational and carrier based education.

Berrett, Dan. The Day The Purpose of College Changed. College: A Reader for Writers, edited by Todd James Pierce, Oxford University Press, 2016, pp. 64-72
This essay discusses the shift from liberal education to vocational education. It cites Ronald Regan and his fight against what he considered frivolous in higher education and NC Governor Pat McCrory talking about liberal arts in public …show more content…

(2016). Liberal arts in the modern university. Academe, 102(1), 31-33. Retrieved from http://proxy.campbell.edu/login?url=http://search.proquest.com/docview/
1759174582?accountid=9858 Accessed 5 Nov. 2016
This magazine article talks about the value of a liberal arts education. It says that liberal arts help people understand what it means to be a human. The article also gives examples of how liberal arts can transform to adapt to today world. This is beneficial because it argues for liberal arts but also shows that it needs improvement. It gives specific examples of American liberal arts versus Asian liberal arts. This is helpful for my research because it shows that a liberal arts curriculum is valued in other countries then the United States.
Kimball, Bruce A, Revising the Declension Narrative: Liberal Arts Colleges, Universities, and Honors Programs, 1870s-2010s. Harvard Educational Review, 2014 ProQuest http://search.proquest.com/docview/1541679022?pq-origsite=summon&http://www.nc live.org/cgi-bin/nclsm?rsrc=389 Accessed 16 Nov. …show more content…

A Liberal Arts Education: Global Trends And Challenges. Christian Higher Education, 2015. Academic Search Complete. http://web.a.ebscohost. com/ehost/detail/detail?sid=dccf2978-60cd-44c2-8f17-435649b0ba0e%40sessionmgr 4010&vid=0&hid=4104&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=99964021&db=a9hAccessed 18 Nov. 2016.
This article discusses the liberal arts curriculum of higher education and the debate about its importance. It compares some United States liberal arts programs with that of other countries. This article is beneficial to my research because it discusses liberal arts on a global scale and its importance as an idea instead of in specific circumstances.
Roche, Mark William. Why Choose the Liberal Arts? University of Notre Dame Press, 2010. ProQuest ebrary, http://site.ebrary.com/lib/campbellu/reader.action?docID=10557715
&ppg=12 Accessed 13 Nov. 2016. This book discusses liberal arts on a broad scale. Roche definiens liberal arts and, through many examples, describes the importance of a liberal arts education. This book is helpful for my research because of the exact definition of liberal arts. It is also helpful because it contrasts liberal arts with more narrow education that is becoming more evident in society