
Put An End To Mass Hysteria In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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How might someone put an end to mass hysteria in a situation like the one that unfolds in “The Crucible?” Someone could put an end to the mass hysteria in “The Crucible" by speaking up against the hysteria and influencing the community that resides there. Furthermore, the difference between phobia and fear is that while phobia is a reaction to accumulated and disproportionate fear, with people who have it avoiding situations where they might encounter the objects of their fears, fear is an emotional response that alerts the body to take the most appropriate action to protect themselves from danger. Similarly, fear can lead to Mass Hysteria due to anxiety, irrational behavior or beliefs, or inexplicable symptoms of illness. With people exaggerating …show more content…

As well as pushing back against the court’s decision to execute innocent civilians. Moreover, they could have suppressed the hysteria by not mongering the fear and encouraging the accusations and forcing confessions from innocent people. The quote presented emphasizes his conviction to stop the deaths of the many innocent people later on in the story: “I come to do the Devil’s work. I counsel Christians to believe in themselves. “There is blood on my head”. Can you not see the blood on my head? !” This quote further solidifies the legitimacy of the accusations of witchcraft against others. No one would have been accused of witchery and died as a result of false accusations. Abigail Williams could have stopped the hysteria in Salem altogether if she confessed she was the one who spread all of the lies. As well as confessing, she told the other girls to lie as well. could have also stopped the hysteria if she hadn’t tried to kill Elizabeth Proctor so she could be with the man she loved. An example of this is when she went to the woods and drank a charm of blood she thought would kill Elizabeth to get her out of the picture. Therefore, if she had owned up to her problems by accepting that the man she loved could not love her back. The hysteria in Salem wouldn’t have even

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