Pythagoras 'Retrieving' Reality Is God

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In this paper I will argue that the “deeper and enduring ‘spiritual’ reality” is God (Roochnik 29). Pythagoras believes that the arché, which is the Supreme Being and the creator of the universe, is the One and that everything in the world was originated from numbers. Roochnik explains in Retrieving the Ancients that arithmos is translated to the word number which also means count. This led Pythagoras to realize that a number means more than one thing and the arché has to be one Being. Pythagoras observes that One is not an arithmos by itself because it cannot be plural therefore making it the arché. It is clear to me that the Pythagoreans envisioned mathematics as the foundation of the universe and has formed all things. The Pythagoreans believed …show more content…

Though I concede that Pythagoras’s view was right when he states that math is involved in making music sound harmonious, I still insist that math is not the true arché of the universe because I do not believe that living things are not made up of numbers and mathematics. My argument is that God is the arché because He created the earth, heaven and everything that we can see and also everything that is blind to us. My view is that there had to be something in existence from the very beginning of time, who is the Supreme Being and in my understanding his name is God. We use the term God as a universal term to describe the being we pray to. I believe God is the Supreme Being because He created everything to come into existence, if God did not exist, nothing would have ever come into existence therefore making God the arché. I imagine that after someone dies, God is in charge of deciding if the individual goes to heaven, hell, or purgatory. We have evidence of heaven and hell because of testimony of others that is written in the bible. Having any type of religion is based on faith. For Christianity it is not blind faith because it is backed by evidence; God has not told us everything that we need to know but he gave us enough information to help us live our lives the way he planned us to. Even if you were atheist you would have to have faith because they have faith the world exploded into existence but there is no being who caused this to occur. I believe that Satan is the ruler of earth who causes the pain and sufferings that we face in our everyday life. This agony is a test from God to decide if we will either follow him and try our hardest to not sin, or give into the temptations of the devil. If we obey God’s commands we will eventually be rewarded with eternal life in heaven. On the other hand, if we do

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