Quantum Telleportation: Interstellar, Star Trek, And Back To The Future

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Quantum teleportation is familiar to everyone but no one knows what it is. Quantum teleportation is in movies like Interstellar, Star Trek, and Back to the Future but what is it? Quantum Teleportation is defined as, “a hypothetical technique to instantly transfer properties from one quantum system to another without contact, or to transfer a quantum state to an arbitrarily distant location.” (dictionary.com) In everyday terms, what that is saying is something is transferred to somewhere else. How is that possible though? Charles Bennett of IBM states that, “I think it’s quite clear that anything approximating teleportation of complex living beings, even bacteria, is so far away technologically that it’s not really worth thinking about it.” (NBC News) This means a leading physicist did not think it was possible; he was proven wrong by himself. Quantum teleportation is when an object is broken down into tiny particles, moved to a …show more content…

Scientists since then have been trying to perfect it. With the new distance record set by the NIST Team, and with the rapid modernization of technology, quantum teleportation will become a significant part of our future. It is possible that the current generation, will be the last generation to live in a world without teleportation. Einstein has predicted many things that exist, and have been proven today, including gravity, eclipses, and satellite communication. Is it possible that he was also right about quantum teleportation? With the facts that are laid out, and the new discoveries in science, it is believed Einstein will be right about this as well. Quantum teleportation is a difficult process that has ruled the science fiction world but with today’s modern advances it will only become more interesting. Quantum teleportation is the ideas of genius’s from the past, the process and work of scientists today, and the product of scientist in the

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