Quinton Schizophrenia Case Study

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According to Beebe (2003), schizophrenia is a brain disorder that effects about one percent of the population. According to Preston et al. (2013), schizophrenia is a severe brain disorder in which a person can interpret reality abnormal. This mental health illness causes a disruption in the balance of thinking and emotions. This diagnosis can have huge implications on someone’s life. Quinton is a 26 year old male who was diagnosed with schizophrenia when he was 21 years old and has a history of alcohol and marijuana usage. He drinks all types of energy drinks and soda throughout the day, not realizing caffeine can aggravate the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. These symptoms include delusion, hallucinations and disorganized …show more content…

Some of the anticholinergic side-effects that Quinton struggles with are blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, and urinal retention; anticholinergic side effects occur due to the block of acetylcholine. Quinton is constantly drinking water due to having dry mouth; if he did not drink water his sodium levels can decrease and he could be hospitalized. Quinton’s usage of alcohol has caused side-effects also that cause him to have irregular heartbeats, a difficult time sleeping, and a depressed mood. Alcohol magnifies the effect of other drugs, but depending on the dosage of the medication, alcohol usage can cause death, coma, and shock (Beebe, 2003). According to Dworkin (2001), alcohol can slow down the body and brain function for a maximum of three days after consuming. Quinton’s bowl movements are irregular at times, which is caused by the medication he is taking. He is taking Ducosate Sodium to help him with constipation, so he can have regular bowl movements; usually one bowl movement within 12 to 72 hours. The combination of medication can cause present like Parkinson’s symptoms that include lack of energy, tremors, shuffling, and unsteady gait. According to Preston, O’Neal and Talaga (2013), other noted side effects include tardive dyskinesia symptoms, which present as uncontrollable movements, lip smacking, and rigid movements. Hypertension, diabetes …show more content…

Quinton is constantly washing his hands several times a day due to him believing everything has germs. He carries sanitizing wipes with him, so he can wipe off everything he touches or comes into contact with. His rituals and thoughts that he engages in have interfered with his daily function. The number one concern is his intrusive thoughts. Anxiety is present with OCD, but there are medications that are prescribes for anxiety. The primary medication to help with anxiety is Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. The OCD is being reinforced by giving into the compulsive and obsession. According to Preston, O’Neal & Talaga (2013), studies indicate that there is a significant increase in metabolic activity in the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. There has been some correlation with increase in OCD symptoms and individuals taking Clozapine, especially, with thought content. Doyle el at. (2014), identifies a sub-type of schizo-obsessive-disorder. According to Doyle et al. (2014), studies have shown contradictory evidence that Clozapine does not influence an increase in OCD