Quotes For College Essay

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Quote“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” My father has always told me to do what I love, and money will follow. I want to go to college to be able to get where I want, where I need to be.

Being at the young age of thirteen, I don’t think it’s fair to be asked what I want to do with my life, especially because I don’t. I value a good book, intelligent people, good company, quiet places, and funny people, and I know I want these in my future. I’d like to say I’m good at drawing, I love to play instruments, I like to read about Greek Mythology, I love the concept of space being infinite, and I enjoy writing down any ideas I’ve had. …show more content…

My schooling, friends, likes and dislikes, and any other experiences would be the stem. A dandelion’s stem is hollow, leaving me room to learn and experience more.

Furthermore, the word dandelion means “lion’s tooth” referring to the jagged leaves that sprout far out from the stem. These leaves represent my struggles and challenges, the things that have tried and will try to lead me astray from my goals. Despite their unruly habits, the leaves will be my friends, teaching me and making me stronger.

Towards the end of my stem there will find a bright yellow flower, this flower is the process of leaving for college. It’s bright, and it’s big, showing just how important college is.

As most people know, a dandelion flower will go through a process to make it become a bundle of feathery tufts. The end of my dandelion will be college. It will be attending the classes and making the …show more content…

My father has always been a respected person, an intimidating person, and yet still a goofball. In highschool, he was a track star, a football captain, and an honour student. During college he was a representative on Nebraska Wesleyan’s Board of Governors, and a new student orientation leader. My father recalls watching chaos occur in chemistry, skipping class, getting late night pizzas, and playing old school video games with his friends. My mother has always been kind, smart, and responsible. In highschool, she was in the student body and flag corp. During College she was an RA, and in the Student Affairs Senate. My mother remembers having supper with everyone as a freshman, dates with my father, Thursday movies, and broken down