Quotes In The Film 'The Great Debaters'

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Svar Dr. Farmers quote "We do what we have to do, so that we can do what we want to do" is a quote which can be applied to various scenarios. Most of us apply it to our profession, meaning that we go to school to get the job that we want. Some even have their own dreams they want to chase, and that is where this quote plays the biggest part. In the film "The Great Debaters" the main characters are college students wanting to be the best at debating. The quote applies to all of them because they were debating their side of the coin in society, which was the way black people were being treated during that time. The part of the quote "we do what we have to do" is them speaking up to the problems in that times society and the latter part "so that we can do what we want to do" is them seeing a change to the problems and being free to do whatever they want. Their …show more content…

The characters in the movie wanted change because they were struggling as a minority in that times society, but for me living in Sweden in this day and age the world isn't that way. Although there are some that are willing to act on this quote and try to make change in this world, I'm not one of them. I apply it to my education where I know that if I do well in school I can someday work at the job I want and be thankful for the work I put in at school. In general, most people only apply it to things that would affect their own life, for example getting the job you want or chasing the dream you've had since you were a child. But some take it the next step further, which was portrayed in the movie. They made change for the entire black society by doing what they had to do in order to do what they wanted to do. There are still a few people like this in todays world but the differences between us aren't as substantial anymore meaning that the needs of people like this aren't that big which is a very good

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