
Quotes In The Truman Show

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Three quotes that have met my eye are “See, they got rid of her, but they couldn’t erase the memory”, “Everything I’ve told you is the truth. This, it’s fake. It’s all you”, and “The last thing I would do to you is lie’”. The first quote is dealing with memory. Basically it is saying that they can get rid of somebody you love, but they cannot get rid of the memory you have of that person. This quote is very important to the Truman Show because there was this girl on the show named Lauren. The viewers first see Lauren when Truman is at college. Truman falls in love with Lauren, but Meryl stops that from happening. We later find out in the movie that Truman and Lauren go on a date and go to the beach. They kiss and she gets taken away. THe viewers also find out that her real name is actually Sylvia instead of Lauren. …show more content…

The quote “See, they got rid of her, but they couldn’t erase the memory” is very important to the movie and to Truman’s life. The second quote is “Everything I’ve told you is the truth. This, it’s fake. It’s all you”. This quote is also very important to this film because it shows how everything in the film is all fake except for Truman. Even though the person saying this is telling the truth he says that the Truman Show is fake. Truman is the only real thing in the movie and the audience watching the film. The audience’s emotions are so into Truman that they feel like they are apart of Truman. When this quote is said we see all the actors explaining why the Truman show is so great and perfect. This quote is very important to Truman’s life and the Truman Show. The very last quote says “The last thing I would ever do to you is lie”. This is said by Marlon towards

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