Quotes That Show Betrayal In Macbeth

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Once you become infatuated with power and dishonest behavior, do you think you will be able to control your actions and not make it a continuous pattern? People get to a point in life where they allow themselves to go down a bad path and not stop because that is all they know. Macbeth finds himself tied within his own mind with who he has become as a person and with how corrupted he is as a person. In an article “Hindustan Times.” It states that “When a person cannot control is overcome within there vices, he’s liable to betray.” Macbeth shows betrayal in a way that is deadly. Macbeth is full of ego and pride. He will do anything, and I mean anything to get what he wants. Macbeth sees Banquo as a threat towards his future in becoming king, he also knows he will inherit the throne, so he feels the need to kill Banquo. He does not want to do the dirty work himself because it will look bad on his part, so he hires murderers to kill Banquo. With the killing of Banquo, Macbeth says “Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold Thou hast no speculation in those eyes.” The murder of Banquo gets to him to a point where he starts hallucinating and seeing ghost of Banquo. …show more content…

This tactic does not make means any better for Macbeths wellbeing, if anything this causes more chaos which will lead to more corruption. Lady Macbeth says, “When you durst do it, then you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would Be so much more than man.” She is bringing him down by questioning him and making him feel unworthy of his strength. When a man is getting let down by a woman it will bring pressure upon them. In a study “Organization Behavior and Human Decision Processes it states that, “When men believe their manhood is in jeopardy, they tend to respond negatively.” The comparison between these two quotes goes hand and hand

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