Race And Ethnicity Reflection Paper

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Race and Ethnicity Reflection
The article, “Another inconvenient truth: Race and ethnicity,” discusses important aspects that can aid teachers in understanding students from different cultures (Hawley & Nieto, 2010). To increase children’s academic knowledge, educators need to understand that children are unique. Thus, not all children learn the same way. The article provides insight of how race and ethnicity impacts the learner. It is vital for educators to understand these aspects in a student.
Culture Awareness
United States educators are now teaching students from diverse backgrounds. Taking this into consideration, teachers need to recognize that student’s “bring cultural values and experiences to their education” (Hawley & Nieto, 2010, p.69). However, many educators ignore these …show more content…

Parents play an important role in their child’s education because they influence their child’s social and cultural development. Despite shaping their children, parents from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds do not participate in school activities (Hawley & Nieto, 2010). For that reason, teachers come to a conclusion that these families do not value education. However, this is a misconception because there are ethnicities that value education (Hawley & Nieto, 2010, p.71). The explanation for low parent participation is because they feel “unwelcome and uncomfortable in school” (Hawley & Nieto, 2010, p.70).
Teachers should increase family involvement by using strategies that make parents feel welcome and comfortable in the school setting. My parents value education, but due to the language barrier, they did not to participate in school activities. However, if a teacher makes an effort to speak Spanish, this encouraged parent involvement in school activities. Promoting parents to attend these activities can help students’ academic success.
Responsive School

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