Summary Of Silent Spring By Rachel Carson

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Rachel Carson, originally a marine biologist by profession, is also known to be amongst the best science writers of America especially after the release of Silent Spring back in the summer of 1962. Her publication of this book marks an important landmark in the establishment of the environmental movement. In Silent Spring, she basically argues about the fatal ways in which the humankind was seen to be tampering with nature at that time through the reckless and uncontrolled use of chemical pesticides, especially the DDTs. Not only did Carson highlight the immediate damage caused to environment through the use of such chemical compounds, but she also brought the people’s attention to how the contamination of the water, soil and vegetation will eventually prove to be detrimental in the years to come. …show more content…

Discussions were held with the aim of drawing up newer and better policies to protect the air, water, soil and most importantly, the health and safety of all life forms on earth. Through Silent Spring, Carson promoted a prototypical method for chemists to work in a way that is both human and environmental friendly. Her legacy still continues in the form of the ‘green chemistry’ that is being promoted by chemists and scientists of today with the increased focus of maintaining sustainability in all areas of