Racism And Anti-Semitism In The White Man's Burden

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According to historians, there are many societal problems that can further lead to racism and anti-Semitism. The two major factors leading to hate against a certain group is the combination of conservatism and nationalism coexisting between different nationalities. The biased opinion of these two ideologies put forth a feeling of superiority of one group when looking at another. Racism is a belief that can affect all different races. Every race holds characteristics that distinguish it from another. It is through these differences that people of one race discriminate against others. In The Brown Man’s Burden, Henry Labouchere writes satirically, contrasting Rudyard Kipling’s poem, The White Man’s Burden. “There’s no more paying game! And, should your own past history straight in your teeth be thrown, Retort that independence is good for whites alone.” In saying that independence is good for whites alone Labouchere means that even though Blacks have achieved independence from slavery, at the time there was still no comfortable place in society for Blacks. White nationalism and conservatism is a …show more content…

“The term anti-Semitism was introduced in Germany at the end of the 1870’s to describe the negative attitude toward the Jews held by a part of the population at that time. Needless to say, hostility toward Jews was hardly an unprecedented phenomenon in Germany or elsewhere.” The anti-Semitic movement spread from Germany to the surrounding European countries, awakening them in the wave. The Jews were not seen as citizens and were looked upon as inferior when compared to members of other religions. Christianity was the official religion of the time and was under protection by the government. Judaism, on the other hand was the religion of the minority. Germans and other non-Jewish citizens fed off of the fact that Judaism was a lesser religion and thus persecuted them at any

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