Racism And Racial Hierarchy In Rashad By Quin Quinn

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I believe that these social issues are in place because of the standing place that racism and racial hierarchy have on our culture and society. Racism and racial hierarchy are what have shaped our society, it has shaped the way that parents and family members raise their children, and it has also shaped the mindset of growing children and teenagers. As explained by Family Ecological Theory (Moore & Asay, 2013), change and growth occur through experience with outside systems. In relation to the book, Quinn changed and grew from seeing the beating of Rashad, the chaos that erupted at school when everyone saw the video of Rashad being beat, the news media,being torn between the Galluzzo family and the relationship he shares with Paul due to the sense of debt he feels since Paul mentored him after his Father passed away. …show more content…

Paul’s relationship with Quinn doesn’t mean that Quinn should defend Paul and his actions because they were wrong. Now Quinn has learned that,he has been opened up to that realization through his peers at school, the news, the past police brutality tragedies, but most importantly, because Quinn saw with his own eyes the beating, that Rashad didn’t resist, that Rashad was unarmed. The Decision-Making Process and Resolution Planning In relation to the course concept of the Decision-Making Process, Quinn had to make many decisions that all resulted from the beating of Rashad. Quinn had to make the decision to confess his presence at Jerry’s on the night of the beating, the decision to wear the shirt that said “I’m Marching, Are You?”, the decision to skip basketball practice with the attending scouts so that hecould march for Rashad, or most importantly the decision to choose Rashad over Paul Galluzzo