
Racism In America Research Paper

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Are the rules of society the same for whites as they are for blacks? Are the same opportunities present for people of different races? The answer to these questions is no. Society doesn’t treat people of color the same as whites and the same opportunities are not present just because of skin color. People of color tend to be at a higher risk of suffering injustices in society. From just driving to the amount of people of color in prisons and police actions injustice is everywhere. It is no walk in the park for men of color. Facts state that black drivers are 1.5-5.2 times more likely to have their car searched than whites. In addition, blacks are three times as likely to be killed by the police as whites. Of these people, only about a third actually commit a crime or were armed. Blacks are found more suspicious just because of their skin color. Many people believe that our nation has moved past Jim Crow laws, but have we really? Although these laws may not still exist that doesn’t mean that everyone is treated fairly. We still discriminate against people of color after so many years. In …show more content…

Blacks are twice as likely to be arrested and about four times as likely to experience police force. Also, black's experience on average ten percent longer sentences than whites for the same crime. As if being arrested wasn’t bad enough, once framed with a felony, privileges are lost such as the right to vote, getting a good home, or getting a job. Taking away these rights is very similar to slavery and the amount of rights that they didn’t have. Ever since the start of settlement in America, people of color have been seen as less, and we still aren’t past it today. As a slave, they couldn’t own property , and neither can a person with a felony. Whites have always had a feeling of superiority and it has yet to stop so it continues to hurt people of our society, but especially blacks. We need to start treating people fairly in our

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