Racism In The 1900s Essay

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Racism in America in the 1900s

The USA has a long history of racism, with the 1900s acting as one of the hardest decades for racism and African Americans. During the times, the political, economic and social structure of American society was very affected by racism, segregation, and brutality against african american people. The different kinds of racism that existed during those times will be discussed in this essay, giving insight into the history of oppression and the never-ending fight for equality.

I chose to write about this topic because I have learned through my time in school a lot about racism in general and it is a reoccurring problem still seen today. I think some awareness should be brought to it.

The next paragraphs will be focused on the different kinds of racism that were present during the 1900s and the following decades.

Jim Crow laws:
Jim Crow laws were created between the end of the 1900s and the middle of the 2000s. Most of the african american community was targeted by these laws, which promoted racial segregation and discrimination. These special laws which targeted the african american community covered numerous aspects of life which were designed to promote white supremacy and racial segregation. This was one of the most …show more content…

Due to this legalization of racial segregation, as a result, was an increase in racial inequality in American society the mistake of even considering different facilities to be equal allowed discrimination against African Americans. The lack of civil rights, education, and financial independence became then acceptable. Because of the color of their skin, African Americans had to put up with poor living conditions, unequal availability of resources, and prejudice. The case strengthened white supremacy and kept the hierarchy, in place, increasing the racial gap in American