Raising The Driving Age To 18 Essay

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Raising the driving age from sixteen to eighteen to prevent accidents involving teens is a bad idea. The legal age for driving should not be increased due to the fact the test just for the driving permit is already difficult by itself. When you start driving at the age of sixteen you are more aware of your surrounding and are able to react faster as you get more experienced. If the legal driving age is increased then the amount of crashes involving teens will decrease but the total amount of crashes won’t, the percentage of crashes that normally involve teenagers will just go to the next age group because they aren’t as experienced as they should be and will make the same mistakes. The test to get your driving permit is already difficult by …show more content…

The more you drive the more accustomed your body is to the way your car moves and reacts. The more time you spend on the road the safer and more reliable your skills are. But no one’s perfect and accidents always happen it impossible to go through your life without being in a car crash. Even if Virginia raised the legal driving age the accident involving teens would just go to the next age group, because they will be just as inexperienced as the younger teen drivers. Starting to drive at sixteen is a better idea than waiting till you’re eighteen because you’ll get more responsible as you get older while having a license and a car. For most teenagers getting a license is a big part of growing older and more mature, if they wait till they’re eighteen they will be less excited and care even less about the rules of the road. Just because Virginia wants to keep young drivers safe doesn’t mean they have to keep them from driving, they just have to make the rules more clear. The tests in place to get a license is already difficult as is, as you get older the harder it is to study because your brain is almost fully formed by the time you reach the ages of seventeen or eighteen. Starting to drive at a younger age makes you more accustomed to how the roads work and feel. Just because the legal driving age is increased doesn’t necessarily mean that the same mistakes won’t be made. All in all increasing the legal driving age

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