
Ralph Waldo Emerson Character Traits

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Everyone in life should have a set of traits to follow. People who have traits to follow in life will become more happier and successful. When people do or do not follow the traits, then the person’s behavior will show good or bad signs of that trait. The most important traits people should follow is honesty, independence, and responsibility. Honesty is a very important trait in a person’s life. When a person doesn’t tell the truth and lies, then the person could get caught in the act of lying. Lying to a person could lead others into not trusting who they are. The first thing a person has to do to be honest is to be who they want to be and don’t try to please others. Honesty helps all people gain courage and confidence. When a person develops …show more content…

There is no person in the world who can get around without having responsibility. People that have responsibility gain more control of their lives and start to build more self-esteem. People with more self-esteem will be able to do more that will help them succeed and not feel the need to ask for permission. People should stand up for themselves because when a person does not the other person gets blamed for the victim’s actions. In Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay “Self-Reliance,” he states, “What I must do is all that concerns me, not what the people think. This rule, equally arduous in actual and intellectual life, may serve for the whole distinction between greatness and meanness. It is the harder because you will always find those who think they know what is your duty better than you know it”(372). Emerson believes a person should rely on their own ideas and be responsible of their own actions. He is also saying it may be hard to come up with ideas as a person but in the long run that person will achieve greatness and take responsibility for that. Responsibility is a hard trait to follow sometimes in life but it helps people take action of what they want and build

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