Rama And Vibishina Analysis

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The epic Ramayana was written by Valmiki around 1000 B.C.E. The epic was written in India, where Valmiki is struck with inspiration; he later pairs Ramayana and sloka (grief) to make a great story. In an epic battle where the forces of evil kidnap the noble prince Rama’s wife Sita. Subsequently, a bloody battle between two interesting characters with allies in both parties initiates where at the end only one will keep standing. Rama and Vibishina provide codes to live by in one’s society; Ravana shows the consequences of breaking the codes. Rama and Vibishina demonstrate how to live well, not only by their actions, but for being non-violent, respectful, and merciful characters. Rama and Vibishina guide society on how to live well. To demonstrate, …show more content…

In particular, in the beginning of the battle, Ravana exclaims, ‘… I shall seize him and his chariot together and fling them into high heaven and dash them to destruction’ (32). Being wrathful has consequences. With Ravana’s wrathfulness from the beginning of the battle, continues throughout the chaotic scene; his wrathfulness results fatal for Ravana. In fact, during a conversation with Mahodara, Ravana says, ‘Rama is my sole concern’ (30). Ravana is vastly fixated on the idea of ending Rama that he acts on instinct. Not once does Ravana stop and think about his next move instigating his supporter’s, Mahodara, death. Furthermore, after Ravana’s charioteer explains that Ravana did not attack while Ravana was unconscious, Ravana acts on instinct doing, “… in desperation Ravana began to throw on Rama all sorts of things…” (37). Ravana knows he is not going to win the brutal battle and once more he acts on instinct. He uses all his weapons in a final move against Rama, instead of strategizing and concluding with a plan. Again, Ravana notices that Rama maybe a primordial god, Ravana concludes, ‘… I will not stop my fight until I defeat and crush him or at least take him prisoner’ (36). Ravana’s determination easily becomes desperation establishing that in one’s society the idea of focusing and succeeding can be facilely overturned to desperation and failing. The previous consequences to Ravana’s imprudence will not …show more content…

However, Ravana demonstrates that actions have consequences; those consequences can change one for the better or worse. Yet, in one’s society, there are no supernatural abilities to exhibit the codes; there are perspective in which humans can