Rape Culture On College Campuses

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Rape is a crime that impacts many people. It can affect the rest of their life. Many people in America do not feel safe. They feel this way because of rape culture in our society. Rape is very common on college and university campuses today. Rape culture is also very apparent in rape trials. Rape culture numbs people to the idea of rape. Both men and women are affected by rape culture, mentally and physically. Mental effects of rape can last throughout someone’s life. Rape is unacceptable. Rape culture is the desensitization of Americans to the issue of rape. It is term once coined by feminists in the 1970’s. It is used to show ways that victims are blamed for their sexual assault and male sexual violence is normalized. Rape culture is rape …show more content…

Research then shows that 1 in 5 women is the victim of completed or attempted sexual assault during college. This statistic uses a broad definition of sexual assault but more than half of the assaults reported fall under the legal definition of rape. About 75 percent of those victims were under the influence of drugs or alcohol (Gray, 22). Rape at colleges usually results in the suspension or expulsion of the assailant if found guilty. That does not make the frequency of these crimes okay. A study done by the Department of Justice in 2000 estimated that 2.8 percent of college women were victims of rape. This percentage may seem small but considering there is about 10 million women enrolled in college that means approximately, 280 thousand women have the chances to be sexually assaulted during their years in college (Wilhelm, 25). Questions about what you were wearing, if you had been drinking, if you did anything that could have provoked the attacker are all contributive to rape culture. Women are not only affected by rape culture 1 in 6 men will be abused before they turn 18 years old. A study done by RAINN (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) found that 97% of rapists never spend one day in jail. A college study led by Dr. Margo Maine found 30 percent of American male college students admitted they would commit rape if they knew they could get away with it …show more content…

Rape has many mental effects on the victim/survivor of rape. Many mental health conditions can surface due to such an event. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a common mental health condition after a rape. PTSD is a mental health condition that is triggered by an event. This event is most-likely traumatic. Common symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks, severe anxiety, nightmares, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. PTSD may start within three months after the event occurred. Although it could occur even years after the event. The symptoms of PTSD can be grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative thinking or moods or changes in emotional reactions. Victims of rape have a higher chance of developing depression than other people. A sign of depression is feelings of unhappiness and sadness that have a negative impact. It’s normal to feel sadness or unhappy feelings after a traumatic event, but if these feelings persist for a long period of time you could be diagnosed with depression. Sexual assault can cause mental health

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