Rapid Population Growth Of America Essay

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I think that the first thing that led to the constructional development of the united states was the rapid population growth. By 1775 the American population had reached 2.5 million which was rapid compared to other countries at the time. English America had far more women than New Spain and France, Americas had more women than men, and women started marriage earlier in American colonies (approximately 6 years earlier. I would also say that due to slavery being so popular and women having almost the same freedom as slaves made a big impact. The revolutionary war was well in motion in January 1776. The idea really hit when Thomas Paine, an English immigrant to America, came out with a pamphlet titled “Common Sense”. Only a few colonists had even considered independence an option until this point. Within 3 months more than 150,000 copies of the pamphlet were circulating through-out the American colonies. George Washington even stated, “Common Sense is working a powerful change in …show more content…

I think that many ideas, different kinds of people, traditions, wars, and most everyone’s hope for independence and peace made America what is became by the 1820’s and even today. I feel that the first amendment, freedom of religion, speech, and the press and the second amendment which is the right to bear arms are the two most important during this period. I feel this way because the “citizen soldiers” needed to bear arms to even win the first wars and to protect themselves even still today. I also think that the freedom of religion impacted all American people and made Americas so diverse and encourage people to move to Americas. The first to sign the Bill of Rights were Delaware, New Jersey, and Georgia harmoniously in favor. The last to sign the Bill of Rights of the thirteen colonies were Virginia, New York, North Carolina, and Rhode