Rate My Professor Argument Essay

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Often, students in the public education system feel as though their opinions are unheard. Public schools rarely allow students to evaluate the teachers they have had in previous courses. This leads to a lack of students' input getting taken into consideration with the courses they are required to take. Implementing a system which allows students in public schools to evaluate their teachers annually would benefit schools throughout the country. Not only would this be a beneficial system for students, it would also assist in the hiring process and betterment of teachers. As students go through school, they have educators who influence them and lay their educational values. When students are in a class they get undeviatingly evaluated by the teacher …show more content…

Many believe that the capability to go online and search how other students rate the professor they are about to enroll under is a highly beneficial and important resource. For example, Sarah Leberknight in the article “Rate My Professors Could Be The Greatest Academic Weapon Of Our Time” states, “Angelina Cortez, a freshman microbiology major, believes that Rate My Professors is a great starting place for choosing professors for a semester.” While this system can have its inadequacies which some would argue are too big of a hassle to deal with, the website has a system of policing what students say in order to determine the legit responses from personal attacks. Students who dedicate themselves and constantly strive to do better in their education would largely benefit from this system. If public schools formed a website-or a paper version-of a teacher assessment students would get a better idea of how to take on the class and the best form of preparation. According to Thuận Sarzynski in the article “Students Should Evaluate Their Teachers”, “Students need to learn that success exists thanks to an accumulation of mistakes and feedback.” This shows that it is a vital part for students, although sometimes immature, to teach them how people become better. While one may argue that …show more content…

This would come into effect because while students do have the ability to report issues to staff, they do not always feel comfortable doing so. An anonymous way to evaluate the way an educator approaches class time would give diffident, soft spoken students an opportunity to bring up issues they may not feel confident enough telling an administrator themselves. This also opens the opportunity for all students to feel heard and like the staff values their opinion. In 2009 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation “...conducted a study on the impact of student evaluations in measuring educational success and discovered that student feedback on teachers is extremely effective in improving classroom strengths and weaknesses for grades K-12” (Belrose). Students need to feel that their opinion on the operation of the school they attend matters. Currently, students' opinions may get pushed to the back burner unless there is enough repetition of an issue to form a solution. With annual teacher evaluations, the opinion of students can be heard and sorted through in order to solve problems throughout the