Rationale Statement

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Rationale Statement I have attended 7th-grade class and saw how Ms. Rosalie White, English/language arts teacher, was able to promote student growth in their classroom. This activity is given to understand effective strategies that help developing and building students skills. So, student learning and teacher professional growth can be noticed in this activity which students can think about their own learning, identify their own learning needs and the expectation to learn at different levels. In the classroom that I have observed, I noticed that Ms. Rosalie was trying to keep student’s attention through diversification of ways of the seating arrangement in the class. In the first 45 minutes of the class, the students were setting …show more content…

Lesson was made more attractive by the teacher. There were understandable rules, colorful posters, and fun and interesting teaching methods. In the physical environment, there was a fun environment through group activities. Ms. Rosalie has created a supportive, collaborative, and organized climate to strengthen learning experiences. There was no little light, dirt on the floors, messy bookshelves or broken supplies. In this activity, students are required to determine the puns in the text in order to and identify the meaning text when using figure of speech. Student after that would explain two meanings of the pun. The lesson motivation that has been used in the class is using a fun game, discuss/group, and technology. In addition, students were required to read the science fiction story from the textbook and then answer the questions. They should underline the names of important characters as well as clues about the setting and then they should circle the important …show more content…

The standard 3 states that a school administrator is an educational leader who promotes the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. The administrator facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that treats people fairly, equitably, and with dignity and respect. Also, the administrator facilitates processes and engages in activities ensuring that a safe, clean, and aesthetically pleasing school environment is created and maintained. It is clear that there were many strategies that have been used in classroom which classroom was effective because students was excited to learn. A safe environment seemed that it was created before asking students to engage in this

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